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Monday, December 6, 2010

So,it all ends here???

Hello, I'm back. I have been away from the scene for several months now. Well, I’ve been a bit too busy lately with placements and exams. Last few months were pretty hectic but also pretty happening (afterall I got placed :D).

Anyway, I'm all set to return to another semester of college. “Finally in final semester”, after many many semesters. Definitely I’m happy that I won’t have to do anything even remotely related to Chemical Engineering for the rest of my life (hopefully), still there is this feeling of nostalgia.

The absence of some of the people I have lived with and enjoyed so much of the last four years will leave a huge void, but it got me thinking. The only thing that is 'permanent' is 'change'. Quite a cliched paradox, but very much true nevertheless. People will come into our lives, do wonderful things, enlighten us, spend some of the most memorable moments and then go away, never to meet again. Lord Alfred Tennyson said it with respect to a brook, but it is equally true for us humans.

“Men may come and men may go, but I go on forever” (till I die of course).

Of course, the advent of technology (read Twitter and Facebook and Orkut) means I will still know that person A had 'Pizza @ Dominos' today and that he's now in a relationship with B and that B had gone shopping today and that 67 people like this fact. But, who really cares about what 'A' ate and what 'B' bought, especially when you are miles apart. Evidently, the only interesting thing that you get to know through these networking sites is who is now “in a relationship” with whom and who just broke up and is single again and is possibly on the lookout for a prospective mate. But, I am digressing from the point here.

The point is that nothing you do will make those times come back (unless you invent a time machine). And you just have to learn to move on and make new friends and acquaintances. I'm not saying you forget people. By all means keep in touch. But it is no longer possible to barge into their room at any time or nick some food from their cupboard or just sit around gossiping all day long; because they are gone.

Ohhh! I’m gonna miss everyone so much.

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